Job Hunting? There’s an App for That…

Keep Calm, There's an App For ThatThe iPhone campaign started around 2009 and has become a running joke, but the truth is there really is an app for that… whatever “that” is. Recently I’ve been investigating apps for the purpose of job hunting. In thinking about this, I had to think about the most important things to keep in mind when searching for a job.

These are the top 3:

  1. It’s a cliche for a reason–it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Often times the best way to find out about opening positions is to know someone on the inside. That doesn’t always guarantee you the job, but it certainly puts you ahead of the crowd. Identifying your network and key players in it can help you land the job you want.
  2. The second best way to get yourself over the threshold is to research the job you want. Knowing what you want and where to find it is more than half the battle. You can know tons of people who know about jobs, but if they aren’t pointing you toward what you want, it will just be another job instead of a relevant point in your career path.
  3. The third and final part of this search success triumvirate is accessibility; you have to be accessible for employers to find you, understand who you are and hire you. It’s that second point that people sometimes forget. Employers want to know who they are hiring. There are plenty of candidates for the same jobs. Providing employers the best vantage point from which to view your professional alter ego will make it that much easier for them to say “yes” to you. This means making your professional profile easy to find in several key areas, and maintaining a professional image on all of your public-facing social media pages.

Establishing the top three things to keep in mind as you search, I realized there are many apps to help you stay on task.

And a few awesome apps…

These are the obvious ones that will assist you by category:

  1. Who you know:
    • LinkedIn (tap into your professional network)
    • Facebook (tap into your personal network)
    • Twitter (tap into the greater social network)
  2. What you know:
    • Glassdoor (research companies, jobs and salaries)
    • LinkedIn (research companies, jobs and professional groups)
    • Indeed (research companies and find jobs)
  3. Where to be:
    • LinkedIn (create a professional profile and establish your professional influence)
    • Monster (post your resume and make it openly available for employers)
    • Simply Hired (post your resume and make it openly available for employers)
    • Job Search by ZipRecruiter (post your resume and automate your job hunt)

Yes, you may see some repetition in the list and that’s purposeful.

Simplify your life.

Find the few things that work and then work them! Apps are designed to make your life easier. They are compact programs made to fit in the palm of your hand and in your back pocket for easy mobility and use.

Without very much effort, and with just a few choice apps, you can boost your job search success tenfold. Just plug in to the resources that are readily available.

Job searching doesn’t have to be onerous.

You don’t have to be a slave to your computer, sitting endlessly shooting out resumes. You can go out and enjoy fresh air and sunshine–go about your life–and get your hunting in.

For custom assistance with your career goals, contact us!

Kate E. Stephenson is a resume expert and writer with over a decade of experience. The Career Cafe is a blog that offers insight into today’s job market and hiring tips. Be sure to read more about Kate, check out a full listing of services, and enjoy her columns here, on Lexicon and on!


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