LinkedIn Boost

Stop hunting and start linking

Take Advantage of your existing contacts and network to get the career you want.

Did you know that:
  • 44% of LinkedIn users earn more than $75,000 in a year.
  • 40 million LinkedIn users are decision makers (people who hire!).
  • LinkedIn now has more than 3 million active job listings on the platform.
  • inkedIn is the most-used social media platform amongst Fortune 500 companies.

They call it job hunting because good jobs are traditionally difficult to pin down. But that doesn’t have to be the case. LinkedIn offers you access to not only leading businesses but also to connections you may not even realize you have. With our LinkedIn Boost we will super charge your networking ability by helping you utilize your connections better, and by increasing your visibility to the employers you want to attract. The Boost will deliver:

The Right Introduction – You get one opportunity at a first impression. And you get about 30 seconds. You have to make them count. Ensure that you have a Profile Summary and Header that pop.

Clear Professional Branding – Align your LinkedIn content with your resume document to ensure a consistent professional brand across every platform.

Professional Presentation – Get more quality views and broaden your exposure with a visually appealing profile, with an image that differentiates you from the pack, content that is consistent, and fully optimized to provide all the information a potential employer may need.

Quick tips:
  • Your profile is 7x more likely to be found in searches if you have a profile picture.
  • Your profile is 13x more likely to get viewed if it contains five or more skills.
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